السلسلة الرائعة
Understanding the Human Body
An Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology
By : Dr. Anthony Goodman
الكورس الاجنبي الكامل في شرح مقدمة الاناتومي و الفسيولوجي
مكون من 32 محاضرة في شرح كل اجهزة الجسم من حيث التشريح و الوظيفة
شرح الكورس باللغة الانجليزية
بفضل الله تم العثور على الكورس بالجودة الاصلية بعد عناء البحث
اسال الله ان يجعل هذا العمل خالصا لوجهه الكريم
محتوى الكورس و ترتيب المحاضرات :
lecture 1. Cardiovascular system: anatomy of the heart
lecture 2. Cardiovascular system: physiology of the heart
lecture 3. Cardiovascular system: anatomy of the great vessels
lecture 4. Cardiovascular system: physiology of the great vessels
lecture 5. Respiratory system: anatomy of the lungs
lecture 6. Respiratory system: physiology of the lungs
lecture 7. Nervous system: anatomy of the brain
lecture 8. Nervous system: physiology of the brain
lecture 9. Nervous system: spinal cord and spinal nerves
lecture 10. Nervous system: autonomic nervous system and cranial nerves
lecture 11. Nervous system: the eyes
lecture 12. Nervous system: the ears, hearing and equilibrium
lecture 13. Nervous system: pathology & trauma
lecture 14. Digestive system: anatomy of the mouth, esophagus and stomach
lecture 15. Digestive system: physiology of the mouth, esophagus and stomach
lecture 16. Digestive system: anatomy of the pancreas, liver & the biliary tree
lecture 17. Digestive system: physiology of the pancreas, liver & the biliary tree
lecture 18. Digestive system: anatomy of the small intestine, colon and. rectum
lecture 19. Digestive system: physiology of the small intestine, colon and rectum
lecture 20. Endocrine system: the pituitary and adrenal glands
lecture 21. Endocrine system: pancreas
lecture 22. Endocrine system: thyroid and parathyroid glands
lecture 23. Urinary system: anatomy of the kidneys, ureters and bladder
lecture 24. Urinary system: physiology of the kidneys, ureters and bladder
lecture 25. Reproductive system: male
lecture 26. Reproductive system: female
lecture 27. Reproductive system: physiology of genetic inheritance
lecture 28. Musculoskeletal system: physiology and physics of the muscles
lecture 29. Musculoskeletal system: anatomy of the muscles
lecture 30. Musculoskeletal system: bones
lecture 31. Immune system: anatomy & physiology
lecture 32. The Biology of Human Cancer
We highly recommend buying the original materials, Please only download if you absolutely can't afford to buy them , and for educational purposes only
Cardiovascular System
Size : 1.1 GB
Respiratory System
Size : 541 MB
Nervous System
Size : 1.8 GB
Digestive System
Size : 1.6 GB
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Endocrine System
Size : 813 MB
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Urinary System
Size : 543 MB
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Reproductive System
Size : 814 MB
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Musculoskeletal System
Size : 808 MB
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Immune System
Size : 273 MB
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The Biology of Human Cancer
Size : 278 MB
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تم بحمد الله و فضله
Size : 1.6 GB
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Endocrine System
Size : 813 MB
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Urinary System
Size : 543 MB
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Reproductive System
Size : 814 MB
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Musculoskeletal System
Size : 808 MB
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Immune System
Size : 273 MB
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The Biology of Human Cancer
Size : 278 MB
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تم بحمد الله و فضله
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